Thursday, January 29, 2009

Insane in the membrane

Lately as I have been practicing my photography skills it seems as though everything I look at I notice a pattern, texture, or color, and I begin to ask to myself if I could photograph it. What was meant to be a small snack turned into a little photo session. I was drawn to the bright color and membrane looking texture of the grapefruit. I shot these in my dining room that has very dim lighting. I experimented shooting with a high ISO of 1600, yeah, I know that’s high. The conditions were probably not as dark as one would use that high of an ISO but I thought it was okay. I also played around with my f stop ranging it from f5.6 to f22. The pictures did not turn out as I was hoping they would, but that just means I need more practice.

Weekend Photo Challenge

Hi all!
Sara and I were talking, and we think it is time for another photo week challenge. Tell a story through a series of shots, similar to Stephanie and Scott’s sledding adventure.
Let me know if you are in!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Go surfing in Costa Rica…CHECK!

My "to do" list for the age of 26 includes a surf trip to Costa Rica. New Years '09 was the time to do it. I traveled to Mal Pais/Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. It was amazing. Not only was I in a beautiful environment, but I met some very incredible people who reminded me that it is the simple things in life that mean the most.
Enjoy a few photos of my trip. it me your looking for??

Hi! Not only did I fall off the blog/photo wagon, but I think I fell into a ditch! No worries! I’m back and I’m ready for more! More posts coming soon….