Monday, January 26, 2009

Go surfing in Costa Rica…CHECK!

My "to do" list for the age of 26 includes a surf trip to Costa Rica. New Years '09 was the time to do it. I traveled to Mal Pais/Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. It was amazing. Not only was I in a beautiful environment, but I met some very incredible people who reminded me that it is the simple things in life that mean the most.
Enjoy a few photos of my trip.


Unknown said...

Sounds like an awesome time! Great pictures, I love the one with the fire. What is that person doing?!

Sara Therese said...

high five to you for setting your mark high and then accomplishing it! you are an inspiration. such gorgeous pics!

Amy Kingman said...

So glad you're back! Those are gorgeous! Look at you surfer chick! Manage to get any video of it? :)

Sue said...

Thanks girls! I've missed you guys. Amy, no footage of me surfing but i did come home with a pretty black eye. :)

Scott Wagner said...

Love the pictures. Sounds like you had a great time. You're lucky going someplace warm for the new year.

Amy Kingman said...

Haha! Nice, a badge of honor from your feat! Wear it proudly! :D